Complete in Order
A) 8 sets – builiding each
-3 Bench Press w/ pause on chest each rep
-8 pendlay rows – 5 sec. hold on chest last rep
B) 4 sets – each max UB strict hollow chinups
A) 4 sets working to max height 10 rep kipping HSPU
B) Accumlate 20 Hollow/arch(L)/hollow/arch(R)/hollow seal rolls
-(first rolls to the right arms and legs may not touch the ground at any time for the rep to count)
Community WOD
AMRAP in 10 min:
10 CTB Pullups
10 Hang Clean & Jerks, 95/65
10 CTB Pullups
10 Hang Clean & Jerks, 135/95
10 CTB Pullups
10 Hang Clean & Jerks, 165/110
10 CTB Pullups
10 Hang Clean & Jerks, 185/125
10 CTB Pullups
10 Hang Clean & Jerks, 205/135
10 CTB Pullups
Max Hang Clean & Jerks, 225/155
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