Strength:nA) Snatch From Blocks @ bottom of knee: Work to max double in 8 min
THEN nRest 2 minnTHEN
B) EMOM x 4 min: 3 Touch and Go Snatches From Ground @ 80% of max double from blocks*
*no straps allowed
C) BS: 60/3, 65/3, 70/3*6 sets
Skill:nA1) Bench Press: 4 sets of 5 reps (all 4 sets same weight), rest 60 secnA2) KB Weighted Pistols: 4 sets of 5 e/l AHAP, rest 60 sec
Conditioning:nAMRAP in 12: n100 UB DUn50 burpees to 6in targetn30 T2B