I’ve lost count of the amount of texts and questions I have received about 14.1 in the last 48 hours. (not that many really, I can’t count very high) nShould I use hookgrip?nShould I use bumpers or 5lb plates?nShould I clean and jerk it some?nShould I power it or muscle it?
The problem with giving an absolute answer to these questions is that everyone is different. There is no absolute answer. You’re a 5’0″ girl with really short tibia? Probably going to the floor vs just below the knee would not matter much. You were an ex-climber? Hookgrip probably isn’t a necessity.
Everyone will have different results with different strategies. Your best bet is to look at your body type and make a decision based on how you’re built.
Don’t believe anyone that says there is only one way to do it.
Bottomline. When you approach 14.1 there are lots and lots of strategy points out there to take a look at. None of them are absolute. Test the movements. See what works best and go for it. Luckily, you get to repeat it if you’re wrong.