Strength:nA) Push Press + OHS: 3+3/3 sets AHAP- 2 min rest
Skilln5 rounds:n8 alternating weighted pistols, ascend in weight each set if possiblenrest 1 min
Conditioning:n5 roundsn5 Power Snatch (135,95)n100 meter sprintnrest 30 seconds
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Strength:nA) Push Press + OHS: 3+3/3 sets AHAP- 2 min rest
Skilln5 rounds:n8 alternating weighted pistols, ascend in weight each set if possiblenrest 1 min
Conditioning:n5 roundsn5 Power Snatch (135,95)n100 meter sprintnrest 30 seconds