Complete in Order:
A) 3 sets of:
- 300m row
- 10 empty barbell overhead squats
- 10 alternating DB snatch (lightweight)
B) 10-15 minutes of mobility of your choice
A) 4 sets of: 2 snatch balance + 2 overhead squats (speed focus: use 40-60% of snatch) (rest 90 seconds)
B) Snatch + Hang Snatch (above the knee): 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (rest 90 seconds)
C) Snatch grip RDL @ 3111 tempo: 5, 5, 5, 5 (rest 2 minutes)
A) 3 sets of:
- 250m row
- 15 GHD sit ups
- 5 burpee ring muscle ups
- 15 toes to bar
- 25 calorie Assault bike
- (rest 3 minutes)
* * Level I: RX
* * Level II: 10 burpee chest to bar pull ups
* * Level III: 25 ab mat sit ups, 10 burpee pull ups, 15 straight leg raises to parallel