A) CJ to max (on 2nd miss you’re done)nB) Complete Hang Clean x 3 + Jerk x 1: 4 sets @ 75%-80%nC) Clean Pull: 90/5, 95/5, 100/5*2 sets
Strength:nA) Front Rack Lunges x 5 e/l @ 50% of FS Max: 4 setsnB) Push Press: 4 sets of 5 AHAP
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
A) CJ to max (on 2nd miss you’re done)nB) Complete Hang Clean x 3 + Jerk x 1: 4 sets @ 75%-80%nC) Clean Pull: 90/5, 95/5, 100/5*2 sets
Strength:nA) Front Rack Lunges x 5 e/l @ 50% of FS Max: 4 setsnB) Push Press: 4 sets of 5 AHAP