Strength:nA) Snatch High Pullx1 + Touch and Go Snatchx1 + Hang Snatchx1 (never put the bar down until set is complete): 4 sets @ 75%nB) FS: 60/5, 70/4, 80/3*4 sets, rest 60 sec
Skill:n4 Rounds:nA1) 6 alternating weighted pistols, increase load each set, rest 90 secnA2) 4 Deadlift: starting at medium load increase load each set to final heavy set of 4, rest 90 sec
Conditioning:nAMRAP in 10 min:n3 C2B Pullupsn3 Thrusters (95/65)n3 Burpees Over Barn*increase load by 3 each round to time cap