Great day of camp at Crossfit Central Downtown. Day 2 held no lack of greatness as we spent literally the whole day (+/- 2 hours) on the Snatch, the Clean, and the Jerk. As I noted from the lifting session on Day 1 this group had a TON of untapped strength that they weren’t using. This group of athletes is extremely strong BUT have a poor understanding and application of the lifts in comparison to their strength.
However today we saw the greatest improvement in technique over 24 hours I have ever experienced. This camp had the ability they just needed the knowledge. Literally the knowledge of how to complete the lifts translated into power applied to the lifts. A basic understanding of the first pull, hamstring tension, and foot placement created a completely different group of lifters. It’s amazing to me to watch athletes pick up foreign concepts so quickly. This is how I know that I am working with athletes. I can see that based off their ability to apply teaching quickly.
It is one of the greatest perks of my job to see such great improvement so quickly. This camp possesses certain character traits that cannot be taught or developed easily. They are incredibly teachable and overly-eager to improve. I think this is why we saw such great improvement today. By the end of the day, the first pull had become a part of their vocabulary and an intentional part of their lifting. Even under fatigue. Impressive. This group literally took the knowledge taught to them and directly turned it into power. Like actual body-generated power. Here’s a cool shout out blog from today.
On a different note, I have to give a shout out to one of the coolest 20 year olds I met today. Dillon West (aka “baby deer”) is a stud competitor from Red Black Gym here in Austin. He is also a student at the University of Texas. (I know I know but at least it’s not A&M) He had class scheduled this morning during the weightlifting session. My initial thought when I heard this was that he is a typical college student where skipping class is normal and not a huge deal. False. Dillon is not your normal college student. He attends Winchester’s 5:30 AM classes at RedBlack. WHAT 20 YEAR OLD COLLEGE KID GETS UP AT 5AM TO WORKOUT?!?! Furthermore, Dillon has a high GPA and the class I assumed he would skip bases its grades off attendance. Dillon, as a dedicated student, was reluctant to skip class. As he should be. However, after attending Winchester’s 5:30 AM class this morning Dillon paid me one of the greatest unspoken compliments that I have ever received from a 20 year old. He came to the weightlifting lecture and skipped class. Don’t hear that I think it was his best move. Class is important and certainly skipping it to hear ME talk is questionable BUT for such a dedicated student and athlete to find my weightlifting lecture that valuable is a HUGE compliment. In fact, it was a compliment that I did not take lightly. Thank you for the flattery Dillon. I hope I was able to provide something worth skipping class for and I hope it didn’t cost you a letter grade or anything.
Here’s Dillon working that first pull and hang position. He definitely fits in the category of teachable and eager.
Dillon West Snatch Deadlift + Hang Snatch
Lastly, I found another friend here in Austin. Duke is Karen’s dog. My companion for the day. If I am not careful Georgia is going to think I am cheating on her with other gym dogs.