1 Corinthians 11:1 “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.”
Megan sent me this video Friday afternoon. Makes me smile everytime I watch it. This is one of my clients and his little girl. I pray one day I am a father that my kids can imitate.
Father-Daughter Synchronized Snatch
The Bible is riddled with verses calling us to be men and women of such great faith that our lives look like that of Christ. The Bible calls us to run after Christ with such great desire that our passion for the Lord is worthy of imitating. (1 Thess 1:6, Heb 13:7)
This reality hits home for me as a coach. Do I coach with such passion and desire for Christ that my faith looks like Christ? Is my faith something worth imitating? Will imitating my faith lead others toward Christ or away from Him?
As coaches we take seriously our lifting and the technical value of our lifts so as to give our clients and members something to imitate. Do we take the same care with our faith? Are we chasing Christ with such a desire for intimacy that our faith is something worth imitating?
Watching this little girl love, admire, and therefore imitate her father is a good reminder to us all that the world is watching and absorbing all we do. Are we giving them something to imitate that will lead them to Christ?