We finished at the Regionals training camp for power and grace yesterday and honestly I could not be more excited for the Regionals to begin. The value of training camps where your athletes are able to get away from their normal training environment and focus specifically on the event they’re training for is immeasurable. This style training camp happens in almost every sport across the globe. For weightlifting they bring in the Pan Am or World team and have them train together for one or two weeks before competition. Doing this training for the regionals allows for athletes to learn from each other and allows for different coaches to give different cues to athletes.
In preparation for regionals this is an opportunity to look at strict handstand push-up positions, test out different technical ideas for the rope climb, and ultimately perform the work outs (at least in part) against each other.
We learned a ton from this weekend and, barring some small technical fixes to be worked on it the next couple weeks, I cannot wait to see how our athletes perform on the regional stage. Big thanks to CrossFit EADO, Andrew, Frank, and Jenn for making the weekend spectacular.
Keep your eyes open for the Power and Grace athletes on the Regionals floor.