Complete in Order
A) Strict Press: 4 sets of 4 up to heavy set of 4, rest 2 min
B) Power Jerk: 50/3, 60/3, 65/2, 70/2, 75/1*3 sets
C) Jerk Drive: 100/2*4 sets
D) BS: Work up to 75% and complete 4 sets of 4 every 90 sec
A) 5 sets
-5 sec. hollow hold + 5 sec. arch hold + 5 sec. hollow hold + 5 sec. arch hold + 5 hollow/arch kips
B)5 sets for quality
-3 Bar MU + 4 CTB + 5 Pullups
C) 4 min. Tabata – L-sit hold on parelletes
Deadlift (315/225)
Burpee Box Jump (30/24)