This week we are publishing our Premium Competition and Masters Programs on the blog!
If you follow the blog consistently you’ll see the increased amount of detail and direction.
Complete in Order
10 min. alt EMOM
E-5 push press building w/o failure
O-5 single arm DB row w/ pause at chest
10 min. alt EMOM
E-3 Pause bench press building w/o failure
O-10 bench dips (weight in lap if able)
OHS: 3 sets working up… 4th set = 10RM
*get 10 reps!
5 sets
-5 strict TTB + 5 Kipping TTB + 5 sec. L-sit hold + 5 v-ups on floor
5 rounds for time
9 Power cleans (185/125)
6 Bar MU
10 alt. pistols
Rest 3:1 after each round
*each round is an absolute dead sprint
*scale each movement so no round takes more than 90 sec.
Rest 2 min. Then
10 min. clock
-12 alt. single arm seated DB press
-20 banded good mornings
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