Well 14 hours later camp is over. This was one of the most incredible training camps I have ever been a part of. Watching stud individuals and two sick teams go at it was awesome. Last night we went after some PR lifts and lo and behold we ended up with some. In fact we ended up with far more than I could video. Here’s a couple:
Lindsay Marshall PR Snatch (173)
Lindsay Marshall PR CJ (217)
Jason Hoggan PR Snatch (250)
Jason Hoggan PR CJ (310)
Johnathan Haynes PR CJ 330
We followed the lifting session with a little conditioning.
2k Row + Isabel
Teams of 6: (2nd partnership starts when 1st finishes first couplet)
Partner 1: 400 m run
Partner 2: ME Power Snatch (135/95)
Switch when partner 1 returns
Then 400m run/ME Power Clean (185/135)
Then 400m run/ME HS Walk
The next morning at 6:30 am the team took a little jog at Barton Springs then took a dip. This legitimately may be the coolest swimming pool ever. Natural bottom, 64 degree water temperature all year long, AND a diving board. For the win.
A little 24 diner action and a nap and on to the next session.
Lunch session consisted of a sweet skills teaching session on efficiency. We followed that with some sweet metcons:
Fight Gone Bad Style: 1 min work on each movement, 1 min rest between rounds for 3 rounds of the following:
– Deficit HSPU
– Burpee Box Jumps
– Muscelups
– Triple Unders
Teams of 4: Complete AFAP: 2nd person cannot begin until the first has completed the DU, etc.
20 Deficit HSPU
150 Double Unders
20 Deadlifts (315/205)
15 Muscleups
Whole Foods Run, rest a little and then on to the last session…the beater:
This one was particularly fun for me to program with Winchester:
6 Each Arm Single Arm DB Hang Clean + Thruster (70/45)
3 Sled Drag Down + Sled Pull Back (50 feet each way) (150lbs/85lbs)
30 Toes To Bar
5 Each Arm Single Arm DB Hang Clean + Thruster (70/45)
2 Sled Drag Down + Sled Pull Back (50 feet each way) (150lbs/85lbs)
20 Toes To Bar
4 Each Arm Single Arm DB Hang Clean + Thruster (70/45)
1 Sled Drag Down + Sled Pull Back (50 feet each way) (150lbs/85lbs)
10 Toes To Bar
Team WOD:
Teams of 4: Completed AFAP:
20 Sled Drags 50 ft, 20 Sled Pulls 50 ft back (5 per each team member) (135lb/85lb)
50 Single Arm DB Hang Clean + Thruster (70/45)
100 Toes To Bar
12 Sled Drags 50 ft, 20 Sled Pulls 50 ft back (3 per each team member) (135lb/85lb)
Now it’s time for a little Hop Doddy and a milkshake.
Incredible weekend with incredible athletes.
Here’s a list of everyone who participated this weekend:
Jason Hoggan
Jeff Germond
Jeff McKinney
Sarabeth Phillips
Natalie Mclain
Chelsea Ross
Becky Clark
Lisa Thiel
Ingrid Kantola
Karen Pierce
Carey Kepler
Jessica Estrada
Whitney Welsch
Jeremy Thiel
Michael Winchester
Brandon Mayernik
Jonathan Haynes
Kasey Moore
Mel Knourek
Lindsay Marshall
Christianne Edlund
Heather Bartlett
Jeff Bowden
Kevin Klein
Chip Phillips
Robert Hoeschler
And… professional Crossfit Cheerleader: Josh Mahon