December 13, 2015: Competition, Weightlifting
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Complete In The Following Order A) Sotts Press: 4x4 B) Blocks Above Knee: Snatch: 60/3, 70/3, 65/2, 80/2, 85/1*2 sets C) Press in Split: 3x5 D) Blocks Above Knee: Clean and Jerk: 60/2, 70/2, 75/1, 80/1, 84/1, 88/1 E) FS: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/2 … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order A) Pressing Snatch Balance: 40-50/4*4 sets B) Snatch no hook no feet: 40/5, 45/4, 50/3, 55/3, 60/2, 65/2, 70/1 C) Muscle Clean: 40-50/4*3 sets D) Power Clean + Jerk Dip: 60/3+1, 65/3+1, 70/3+1, 75/2+1, 80/1+1 … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order: A) Tall Clean: 40-50/4*4 sets B) Blocks Above Knee: Clean Pull + Clean: 60/3, 65/3, 70/3, 75/3*3 sets C) Clean Pull: 90/4, 95/3, 100/2*2 sets D) BS: 60/5, 70/5, 75/5*3 sets … [Read more...]
Complete in The Following Order: A) Jerk In Split: 50-60/3*4 sets B) Push Press + Split Jerk: 50-65/3+1*5 sets C) Jerk Dip: 110/2*5 sets D) Bent Over Row: 5x12 … [Read more...]
Hey guys in light of completing the cycle last week, we are doing a bit of a light week this week. We will start the new cycle up next week. More details to come on that soon. Complete In The Following Order A) Snatch Push Press + OHS: 60/3+1, … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order A) Warmup Snatch however works best for you B) Snatch to max C) CJ warmup however works best for you D) CJ to max … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order A) Drop Snatch: 30-40/3*3 sets B) Snatch: 50/2, 60/2, 65/2, 70/1, 75/1 C) Clean and Jerk: 50/2, 60/2, 65/1, 70/1 D) FS: @ snatch max: 2 singles … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order: A) Snatch Balance: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/1 B) Snatch: Work up to 83/1*2 sets C) Press in Split: 4x3 D) CJ: Work up to 80/1*2 sets E) FS: @ clean max: 3 singles … [Read more...]
Complete in The Following Order: A) Power Clean + Power Jerk + Jerk Grip OHS: 70/1+1+2*3 sets (based off jerk max) B) Jerk from rack: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/1, 88/1, 91/1 C) Jerk Rack Hold x 5 sec: 110% x 3 sets D) Clean Pull: 100/1*3 sets … [Read more...]
Alright guys, competition week. Rest recover. As you complete the work for the week, make sure and listen to your body. You want to make lifts all week and be most rested for Saturday. Complete In The Following Order A) Sotts Press: 4x4 B) … [Read more...]