October 29, 2015: Competition, Weightlifting
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Complete In The Following Order: A) BS: 60/2, 70/2, 80/2, 85/2, 90/2, 94/1, 96/1 B) Bench Press: 8x1 at one heavy but non-maximal weight, resting only 30 sec between reps C) Bench Pull: 4x12 D) Snatch Pull: 90/5, 95/4, 100/3*3 sets E) Weighted … [Read more...]
Complete in The Following Order: A) Drop Snatch: 40/3, 45/3, 50/3, 55/3 B) Blocks @ 2in off the floor: Snatch + OHS: 60/3+2, 70/3+2, 75/3+2, 80/2+2, 84/2+2, 88/2+2, 92/1+2, 96/1+2 C) Clean @ Hip: 60/3*4 sets D) Blocks @ 2in off the floor: Clean Pull … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order A) FS: 60/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80/2, 85/2, 88/2, 92/1, 97/1 B) Jerk In Split Behind the Neck: 60/2, 65/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/1 C) Jerk from rack: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/2, 90/2, 93/1, 96/1 D) Clean Pull: 90/4, 95/3, 100/3*3 … [Read more...]
A) FS: 60/2, 70/2, 80/2, 85/2, 88/2, 90/2, 92/2, 94/2 B) Strict Press: 5x3 up to 3RM C) Power Jerk: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/1*6 sets D) Clean Pull, pause 2 sec at knee: 103/2*4 sets E) BS x max reps: Based on Monday: -if you got 10 reps or more … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order A) Sotts Press: 5x5 AHAP B) Snatch + Hang Snatch: 60/1+3, 70/1+3, 75/1+2, 80/1+2, 85/1+1, 88/1+1, 82/1+2, 87/1+1, 90/1+1 C) Press in Split: 4x5 D) Clean + Jerk: 60/1+6, 70/1+5, 75/1+4, 80/1+3, 85/1+2, 90/1+1, 93/1+1, … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order: A) BS: 60/2, 70/2, 80/2, 85/2, 90/2*3 sets B) Bench Press: 5x3 up to 3RM C) KB Alt Row: 5x6 each side D) Snatch Pull + 6 sec descent back to floor: place bar on floor gently: 100/2*4 sets E) Weighted Pullups: 3x10 … [Read more...]
Complete in The Following Order: A) Snatch Balance + OHS: 60/6+1, 70/5+1, 80/4+1, 87/3+1, 93/2+1, 98/1+1 B) Blocks Below Knee: Snatch Pull to explode + Snatch: 60/3+3, 70/3+3, 75/3+2, 80/3+2, 85/3+1, 88/3+1*3 sets C) Tall Clean: 4x5 light and fast D) … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order A) FS: 60/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80/2, 85/2, 78/3, 82/2, 88/2 B) Jerk Balance: 70-80/2*3 sets C) Jerk from rack: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/2, 90/2*3 sets D) Clean Pull to explode + clean pull: 105/2+1*4 sets E) BS: @ same … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order A) FS: 60/2, 70/2, 80/2, 85/2, 88/2, 90/1, 85/2, 88/2, 93/1 B) Strict Press: 5x5 at 85% of 5RM from last week C) Hang Clean + Split Jerk: 60/1+6, 70/1+5, 80/1+4, 85/1+3, 88/1+2, 92/1+1 D) Snatch Pull: 100/2*4 sets E) … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order A) Press in Clean: 5x5 AHAP B) Snatch + OHS: 60/3+1, 70/3+1, 75/2+1, 80/2+1, 83/1+1, 86/1+1, 83/2+1, 86/1+1, 91/1+1, 86/2+1, 91/1+1, 93/1+1 C) Jerk Balance: 4x5 D) Clean + FS + Jerk: 60/1+3+1, 70/1+3+1, 75/1+3+1, … [Read more...]