August 30, 2015: Competition, Weightlifting
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Complete In The Following Order A) FS: 60/6, 70/5, 80/4, 85/3, 90/2, 93/1 B) Strict Press: 4x10 to 10RM again, beat 10RM from last week C) BN Power Jerk: 60/5, 70/4, 75/3, 80/3*4 sets D) Clean Pull from blocks @ below knee: 110/4*4 sets E) BS x max … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order A) Snatch Duck Walk x 40ft x 4 sets B) Snatch: 60/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80/2, 83/2, 88/1, 83/2, 90/1, 83/2, 93/1 C) Press in Split: 4x4 D) CJ: 50/3, 60/3, 70/3, 77/2, 85/2, 88/1, 85/2, 90/1, 85/2, 95/1 … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order: A) BS: 50/10, 60/8, 70/6, 75/5, 70/6, 80/4 B) Repeat this workout: Bench Press: 3x10 to a 10RM, subtract 10% and complete 2x10 C) Double KB Bent Row: 5x10 D) Snatch Grip RDL: 90/4*5 sets E) Eccentric Pullups: 5x3, … [Read more...]
Complete in The Following Order: A) Snatch Balance + 5 sec pause in OHS: 50/1, 60/1, 70/1, 75/1, 80/1, 85/1*3 sets B) Snatch Blocks @ Mid-Quad + Blocks @ knee: 50/2+2, 60/1+2, 65/1+2, 70/1+2, 75/1+2*4 sets C) Tall Clean: 5x5 D) Clean from blocks @ … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order A) FS: 60/5, 65/5, 70/5, 75/5, 80/4, 75/5, 85/3 B) BN Push Press: 50/5, 60/5, 70/3*5 sets C) BN Split Jerk: 60/5, 70/5, 75/4, 80/3*4 sets D) Clean Pull from 3in riser, pause @ riser height: 90/4*5 sets E) BS: @ 80% of … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order A) FS: 60/5, 70/5, 75/5, 80/4, 75/5, 83/3, 75/5, 86/2 B) Strict Press: 4x10 to 10RM C) Split Jerk: 60/5, 65/5, 70/4, 75/3*4 sets D) Clean Deadlift: 80/6*5 sets E) BS x max reps: Based on Monday: -if you got 10 reps or … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order A) Sotts Press: 4x4 AHAP B) Snatch: 60/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80/2, 75/3, 84/2, 75/3, 88/2 C) Press in Split: 4x4 D) CJ: 50/3, 60/3, 70/3, 77/2, 70/3, 83/2, 70/3, 86/2 … [Read more...]
Complete In The Following Order: A) BS: 50/10, 60/8, 70/6*4 sets B) Bench Press: 3x10 to a 10RM, subtract 10% and complete 2x10 C) Pendlay Row: 4x10 D) Snatch Grip Deadlift: 80/8*4 sets E) Strict Pullups: 4x10 … [Read more...]
Complete in The Following Order: A) Snatch Balance: 5x5 up to 5RM B) Blocks @ Mid Quad: Snatch: 50/5, 55/5, 60/5, 65/3, 70/3*3 sets C) Jerk Grip OHS: 4x5 AHAP D) Blocks Above Knee: Clean + Jerk Dip: 50/5+1, 55/5+1, 60/5+1, 65/5+1, 70/5+1*3 sets … [Read more...]
Hey guys. New cycle with some new focus. There will be a blog coming that breaks this down a bit further. However, this next 12 weeks is a strength focus. 3 days of strength focus in multiple areas. 1 day of lifting from positions and 1 day of … [Read more...]