Complete in Order: |
Strength: |
A) Bench Press: 6 sets of 3 @90% of 3rm from last week *5 hollow scapula pullups b/n each set |
3 sets B1) 10 alt. KB Bent Over Row (10 each arm) B2) 5 weighted dips (increase as able) |
C) FS with a 2 sec pause in the bottom on first rep + FS: Find max 1+1 in 4 sets -then 2×1+1 @ 85% of max complex |
Skill |
A) 2 sets – Max reps strict pullups (rest at least 1 min. b/n sets)
B) 4 sets of 8-10 as able – GHD situps w/ 3 sec pause at parellel on descent (stay in control!!) |
Conditioning: |
5 Rounds:
3 Ring MU (if you consider yourself good at MU change this to 4 or 5 MU) rest 1:1 *SPRINT each round |