Complete in Order
5 Rounds:
20 Cal Assault Bike
8 HSPU- Open Standard
rest 1:1
4 Rounds:
15 Cal Row
8 Hang Clean (power as able, 185/125)
rest 1:1
3 Rounds:
200m run
6 Shoulder to OH (165/115)
rest 1:1
2 Rounds:
10 Power Snatch (135)
7 Burpee MU
rest 1:1
1 Round:
40 Cal Row
A) As warmup for Conditioning (you will do this first)
– 5 Rounds
– 5 perfect Hollow/arch kips
– 10 Sec. HS hold against wall
– 5 Kipping pullups as high as possible (no Butterfly, focus on kip)
– 3 Strict HSPU w/ hands in perfect tripod pos.
B) after Conditioning:
– 100 hollow rocks in as few sets as possible
A) EMOM x 14 min:
Odd min: 5 Push Press + 3 Jerk Grip OHS, increase each set to heavy set
Even min: Weighted Chinup x 3 reps, all sets are challenging
B) BS: Work up to 80% then complete the following EMOM x 9 min:
0:00- 80/3
1:00- 85/2
2:00- 90/1