Complete in Order
A) 12 min. Every 2 min. – 3 Bench Press building to heavy set
B) Find 3rm weighted Chinup
A) 3 sets as able
– 2 strict MU + 2 strict dips
*scale strict MU w/ banded MU staying hollow
B) 3 sets
6 hollow/arch kips on rings + 1 skin the cat
Community WOD
10 min. AMRAP:
8 UB CTB Pullups
25′ UB HS Walk
8 UB HSPU (open standard)
25′ UB HS Walk
*scale HS walk w/ 5 wall walks
*Competition Followers! Post a video and your best score on Instagram with #P&GCommunityWOD and you could win a P&G T-shirt or tank of your choice!!
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