Complete in Order: |
Strength: |
A) Low Hang Snatch Pull (below knee) + Low Hang Snatch: 1+1, 5 sets to find max for the complex, then 2 sets of same complex @ 85% of max for complex B) Snatch Pull from 3in deficit: 100/2*3 sets |
C) FS: Work up to 90% anyway then complete 1 rep every 45 sec x 6 sets |
Skill |
A) 10 min. EMOM -E 5-10 ring Pushups -O 5 ring rows+2 sec hold at top of each B) 8 min. EMOM -4 burpees + 2 strict HSPU + Max kipping HSPU until :45 C) 4 min. Tabata – plank on elbows |
Conditioning: |
AMRAP in 12 min: 2 Power Snatch (75/55) 2 Burpee Over Bar 2 TTB 4 4 4 continue up by 2 each round |