Complete in Order:
A) Snatch Pull from Below Knee + Hang Snatch + Snatch from floor: 5 sets of 1+1+1 to find max for the complex, then 2 sets of same complex @ 85% of max for complex
B) Snatch Pull 3 Stop: 100/2*4 sets
C) FS: Work up to 80% and complete 3 sets of 3 EMOM, rest 1 min, increase to 85% and complete 3 sets of 2 EMOM, rest 1 min, increase to 90% and complete 3 sets of 1 EMOM
A) Death by Strict MU
B) 4 sets – Focusing on maintaining arch position
– 2 Hollow/arch swings
– 2 Kip + pull to rib cage
– 2-4 kipping MU as able
C) After conditioning.
4 sets
– 20 GHD Situps
– 20 GHD back extensions
10 Rounds:
30 sec max cal row
30 sec max rep alt DB Snatch (70/55)