With our first stop completed for the Outlaw Parabellum Tour, I am back in Dallas with a whole list of thoughts and observations about what the rest of the camps will look like.
First: we are covering a metric TON of information in 3 days. Between the weightlifting lectures and practical application, powerlifting work, movement correction, and programming lectures I felt like we just dumped a tool chest full of tools on their heads and asked them to catch all of them. I hope they took good notes.
Second: leading a camp full of regional athletes and a camp full of coaches are two very different things. The most rewarding piece of leading coaches over athletes is that the information taught and learned this weekend will reach 15x more people now than it ever would coaching athletes. These coaches were like sponges and watching them regurgitate the information during the coaching practicum session was extremely fulfilling. The information taught this weekend won’t stop at just the people who were in attendance.
Third: I could not be more excited to do these camps moving forward. Like I told the attendees at the camp today. It’s mind-blowing that every other weekend I get to lead and coach a different set of people who are just as passionate and driven about fitness as I am. It doesn’t seem like this could be real.
HUGE thanks to Crossfit Eminence and the camp attendees for having us. Week 1 down…