Well HQ has been good to continue in the same trend so far. I absolutely love the emphasis on body control and gymnastics skill. What’s more, I love the forced strict reps. You will find no bigger advocate for the necessity of strict strength before tipping is allowed. I have always said that an athlete who is not strong enough to do it strict is not strong enough to be stable doing a kip and therefore should not be kipping unless they are bound and determined to get injured. (and in that case a good coach stops them anyways)
The 5 workouts that have been released thus far are great reminders that how we move and the positions we are in when we move our phenomenally important. This is the whole reason Mike and I put such a great emphasis on movement. Further this is the reason we give y’all regular drills to complete to help clean up your movement and strengthen your positions. Power and Grace Movement was designed for that and and with the emphasis that HQ is putting on movement I could not be more insistent that you keep watch on that part of the website and utilize it. The combination of Emily and Mike is the greatest coaching combination to date in the Crossfit world for to that end. Emily’s gymnastics expertise and the elite level at which she competed (Pac-10 Vault Champion and #1 in the country on uneven bars) combined with the understanding and eye Mike has developed for body movement is unstoppable. Literally there is no better pair of movement coaches out there.
Along that same line of thought, Mike and Emily are hosting one day movement seminars. Inside of that one-day seminar the two of them will cover all of the basic “gymnastics” movements we see in CrossFit. Obviously we recognize that no high-level gymnastic skill is required to be good at CrossFit but an understanding of some of the basics of gymnastics movement as well as simple body positions is a massive requirement. This is why we put such great emphasis on it in the blog and why I would greatly encourage you to check out one of the already booked movement camps and email us if you’re interested in hosting one. They are one day long and cover everything from handstand push-ups and muscle ups to chest to bar pull-ups and toes to bar.
If you are interested in hosting a camp email us at Infopowerandgrace@gmail.com