A) P&G 400m Warm up:
– 25m monster walk each direction (1/4 squat slow slide sideways leading with knee) (50m total)
– 25m Shuffle each direction (50m total)
– 25m Karaoke each direction (50m total)
– 50m high skip
– 50m long skip (as far as possible each skip)
– 50m jog w/ perfect form
– 100m stride outs (increasing speed, using longest perfect stride you can manage. Finish @ dead sprint)
B)Hill Sprints:
10 Rounds:
10 second Burst/Sprint up a steep hill.
Walking rest of 1:30 to the bottom/starting point. Each sprint is done at Gear 7 (max effort). *Tip: Time your 1st round from the starting point and mark your distance. Run that distance for each remaining round. The goal here is to develop your ability to maintain your Max Effort sprint pace over a longer period of time.