Complete in Order
3 sets each for time,
rest 3 min between each set:
1 set =
20 Cal Row
20 C2B Pullups
10 Hang Power Clean (155/105)
10 Cal Row
10 C2B Pullups
7 Hang Power Clean
5 Cal Row
5 C2B Pullups
5 Hang Power Clean
A) 4 sets – 6 russian dips (high enough to stay hollow!!)
B) 5 sets – 3-6 MU + 1 negative MU
– rest as needed, pick reps that are challenging but allow you to stay perfect
C) After Strength – 4 min tabata – hollow body banded psoas march
A) Power Jerk + Split Jerk: In 10 min find max 1+1 starting with an empty barbell
B) BS: EMOM follow reps and sets: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/2*3 sets