Regionals is over and the stress and long hours meant I was due for some time to get away. Before training for the Games really gets ramped up and before I hit 4 weeks out from Nationals it was a necessity to get away, get still, and unplug a bit. Scripture is full of commands to be still, pull away for regularly, and rest. (Genesis 2, Psalm 46, Mark 67) As a kid we did this naturally. When we were tired we slept. As a kid I found myself most often on our land or our neighbors land immersed in nature, separated from the push and pull of society. However, as life progresses and responsibilities mount, this practice becomes harder and harder to do though it becomes more and more necessary.
It’s no secret that one of the keys to successful training is rest and recovery. However, one aspect many athletes neglect is the necessity for rest and recovery from stress. Pulling away from stress and chaos is as essential to the longevity of your training as daily recovery and rest. Megan and I took the time to pull away this past weekend knowing that, while we had business and life to attend to, it was the best thing we could do for our marriage and our future work ethic. Sometimes the best programmed work for an athlete is programmed time away.
Here’s another well-known coach who seems to agree: The Importance of Unplugging
Don’t worry you don’t think we actually took 4 days away from the gym do you. Here’s Kevin hitting a PR clean… for a double!: 275×2