Well today Megan and I spent the day packing our house into a 26 foot truck and getting ready to make the trip to Georgia. I think, as most people have always stated, you never realize how much junk you have until you start to put it all in one place. With that in mind, it was a pretty nostalgic and emotional day for the two of us as we packed up our life to head back to Georgia after four years of investment in Dallas. We moved to Dallas not really expecting to be emotionally attached and deep-rooted in friendships and now we find ourselves in an exact opposite position four years later.
Megan and I write a Bible verse on a chalkboard every week for the family to memorize. I don’t know that Emma Kate has been extremely successful at it just yet but at three months she sure is trying. We packed that chalkboard this afternoon and ironically enough Deuteronomy 7:9 was written on the board. That verse is one of the most poignant and direct commentaries on the faithfulness of God. It was especially pointed this afternoon as Megan I looked at how we return to Georgia with a level of uncertainty, fear, and wariness. We came to Dallas expecting to not to make many long-lasting and life-changing relationships. We leave Dallas walking away from some of the most honest, transparent, and transformational friends we could have ever hoped for. We also walk out of a church that it has been one of God’s greatest blessings in our life with an uncertainty about finding something similar. God’s hand has been on our life here, our flesh wants us to believe this may not be as true in Georgia.
Yet Deuteronomy 7:9 points us in a different direction. We can trust that God is just as faithful today as he was four years ago when he led us to Dallas. He is just as faithful in our move home as He was in his faithfulness to protect, sanctify, and cover our move here four years ago. We experienced all the same emotions and all the same fears when we moved to Dallas and yet He was faithful. Amidst our uncertainty and concern for the future, He is still faithful. He was faithful in Genesis 3 amidst Adam and Eve’s sin. He was faithful to Abraham leading him in the Canaan. He was faithful to Moses in the wilderness. He was faithful to David. He was faithful to Solomon. He was faithful to the people of Israel. He was faithful to the disciples. He was faithful to Paul. And He will be faithful to us. He has never once been anything but faithful.
As Megan I prepare to go wheels up and head to Georgia this is a comfort n we can always put our trust in and our hope upon. Praise God!