Regionals Day 2 Summary:
I said at the beginning of the day that for my individual athletes and for our team that today was the day to put on our hiking boots and climb. They all took that comment to heart.
We’re not done yet but here are some of the highlights:
On the team chipper (event 4) I have never seen the bravey, determination, and unfaltering commitment out of Lindsay Marshall that I saw at the end of this workout. With little to no feeling in her right arm because of an injury during the OHS, she managed to scrap and fight for 30 Chest To Bar Pullups before proceeding to demolish the pistols and DB Snatch and that stood in her way. I could not have been more proud of her effort on the pullups knocking them off in doubles and sometimes singles.
5 hours later, Lindsay teamed up with Keith and hit the floor again for event 5. Again, they both showed up big with Keith completing the fastest male time of all the men’s team members. Lindsay completed the effort with the fight I have come to expect from her and gave us a score of 8:11. Good enough for a tie at first place! We will start day 2 having moved up a couple spots but only 15 points from 3rd place.
On the female individual side Ingrid started the day with 28 points and in need of some solid performances. She did just that with a very controlled, smart 7th place finish on the 100’s event. However, the real story come in event 5 for the deadlifts and box jumps. Ingrid and I talked prior to stepping onto the floor that she would break the first and second set of deadlifts and fight through an unbroken set on the last 9 reps REGARDLESS OF THE PAIN. She held true to her word and to the shock and awe of the crowd and myself Ingrid picked up the deadlift bar for the last set and didn’t put it down until she was done. Every single rep seemed excruciatingly hard to complete and yet she went unbroken managing a 5th place finish and total 40 points. She now sits 5th. Only 17 points out from the leader. Ingrid’s heart and poise is matched by very few competitors I have ever seen.
On the men’s side Jeff and Jason proved to be a force to be reckoned with. Jeff pulled of an amazing 12th place finish on the 100’s completing 80 of his 100 DB Snatches in perfect poise and precision. On the flip side, Hoggan wrecked shop on this workout accelerating through the pistols and staying engaged in the DB. Jason was on of 4 individuals to finish this workout. He did so in 24:58. Where Jeff was the model for precision and control Jason was the opposite. Jason slogged through 100 DB Snatches and with a minute left completed 20 UB DB Snatches. I think Jason went to a deep dark place in his mind to be able to move so fast with so little time left. Whatever that place was…I never want to be there. He paid dearly for that effort but yet again Hoggan proves his durability in the sport.
The story of the day however came on event 5 for the men. Jeff Germond with a huge event here managed to turn his speed up a notch and nailed the workout in 5:17 giving him a 14th place finish and putting him firmly in the final heat for tomorrow at 12th place. Jeff’s consistent performances have been incredible to watch. His coach-ability and technical efficiency has been match by very few in the field.
In 2011 Jason completed event 6 at the Mid-Atlantic region. He had not done the 100’s workout prior to but that year he got 2nd in the world with a 3:13 final time. This year after completing 100 DB Snatches, Jason reeled off a 3:29. This was good enough for first place. (Aja Barto was second with a time of 4:13!) Jason not only put this one away…he was talking to the interviewers before anyone else had managed to hit the finish line. He needed this performance on event 5 and as his coach I could not be more proud of his effort there. Sheer ice water in his veins. This finish plants Jason in 5th place just 6 points off 2nd place. If you would like to watch that performance click here.
Today was an incredible moving day for our team and individuals. I prayed this morning for great courage, strength, and durability. The Lord was gracious and granted these folks those prayers.
However, we’re not done yet… more work yet to do.
Also I want to give a HUGE shoutout and thank you to Landan Webster for his advice on the 100’s workout. For those of you who were unaware, Landan is the owner of Webster Chiropractic where I get my ART and adjustments done almost daily. He literally keeps me pieced together every week. Landan qualified for Regionals and didn’t just show up to have a good time. He showed up and took a third place finish on the 100’s workout, completing it in 24:56. However, he mentioned to me after coming off the floor that he did his last 50 Chest To Bar Pullups in singles. Quick and fast and dropping from the bar each time. For him, it saved his grip, shoulder fatigue for the eccentric return, and made his reps fast and efficient. Hoggan and Jeff took this plan and put it into action. HUGE success because of it. Landan’s help may be one of the biggest reasons Hoggan had the time to complete the DB Snatches at the end. Great advice.