After writing yesterday’s post about nerves a week out I thought I would continue on that theme for the remainder of the week on specific things that happen the week of a big meet. Weight cutting, workout movements, etc.
One of the questions I often get is what does my lifting volume look like this close to the meet and what movements am I specifically completing to prepare me?nThat answer is easy. Clearly the volume drops significantly starting 2 weeks out. The squatting volume is all but disappeared one week out and the lifts are always singles. As far as intensity goes it’s highest point is 14-12 days out specifically with max effort squatting and lifting. From that point on the squats percentage will slowly decrease down to simple supplemental work 4 days out. nThe lifts are a bit different for me. I will keep the intensity level high in the snatch even hitting 90%+ 3 days out. The time under tension is so short for this lift that my adrenals, muscles, and CNS are fine to handle a heavy load. On the other hand, I will hit my CJ opener 7 days out and will slowly decrease CJ intensity from there.
By 4 days out I’ll be hitting around 80% in the snatch and 75% in the CJ. Furthermore, I ALWAYS do power movements the morning on the day before. It’s tradition and has proven to be a good priming workout for the next day’s competition. I’ll hit 75% in the power snatch and 70% in the CJ.
The big takeaway point I can’t emphasize enough is 3-4 weeks out preparing for a meet, lifters needs to take away any lifting straps to condition their hands and need to move away from all partial movements and push the heavy singles from the floor. This time period is crucial. It’s like the Tuesday Wednesday football practice before a big game. The pads are on and full speed contact scrimmage is happening. The full lifts at heavy percentage 3-4 weeks out are the only way to prepare a body mentally and physically for completing them on a platform. Nobody prepares for a big sporting event with drills and technical pieces. They prepare by completing the actual movements in the time domain that they’ll actually be competing in. Weightlifting is no different. Full lifts create comfort with full lifts and heavy percentages prepare the body for heavy percentages.
6 days out…