Complete in Order
A) Clean: EMOM x 10 min: 50/3, 60/3, 70/3, 80/2, 85/1, 90/1, 4 sets @ 90%+ working to max Clean
B) Clean Pull: EMOM x 5 min: 3 reps @ 100% of max clean for the day
C) BS: Every 90 sec: 60/8, 70/6, 80/5, 85/4, 90/3*3 sets
A) 2 Min. Tabata – Hollow Hold on bar
2 Min. Tabata – Arch hold on bar
2 Min. Tabata – Hollow/arch kips ONLY on bar
B) 4 sets of 5 each (drop, shake and return to bar until set is done)
– Pullups
– Pullups
– Bar MU
– Pullups
C) After Cond. Accumulate 300 Alt. Scissor kicks (any time feet touch = 5 arch ups)
AMRAP in 12 min:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-balls, (20/14)
30 Power cleans, (135/95)
20 Burpee Pullups