Complete in Order:
A) Hang Snatch + Snatch: 1+1: In 5 sets find max for complex then 3 singles from the floor @ max for the complex
B) Snatch Pull from 3in deficit: 100/2*4 sets
C) FS: Work up to 85%: and every 90 sec x 6 sets complete 2 reps at 85%
A) 4×10: Perfect Hollow/arch kips w/ towel b/n feet
B) :15 sec on/:15 sec off.
10 Min. of the following cycle
– Pullups
– Bar MU
– L-sit hold
C) After Conditioning: 100 GHD situps for time
6-7 Rounds:
20 UB Wall Ball (20/14)
10 Ring Dips
5 GTO (165/115)
rest 1:1