EMOM x 8 minutes:
odd) 30-second row
even) 75 single unders
3 sets of:
15 double KB z-press
15 GHD sit ups
5 sets of:
3 weighted strict pull ups
(build to a 3RM for the day)
5 sets of:
3 deficit kipping handstand push ups
(increase deficit each set. build to a 3RM for the day)
Every 4 minutes for 20 minutes (5 rounds)
Run 400m
AMRAP in remaining time of:
3 ring muscle ups
6 alternating DB snatch (50, 35)
12 air squats
80 russian KB swings
* Loop a towel around the handle of the KB and hold onto the towel
For personalized masters programming from Duke Burk, email