Complete in Order:
A) 3 sets of:
- 10 empty barbell behind the neck press @ 2121
- 50 single unders
- 1-minute easy bike
B) 3 sets of:
- 6 single-arm kneeling (both knees) press/arm
- 6 strict pull ups
A) Push Press: 3, 3, 3, 1, 1 (rest 2-3 minutes)
B) Jerk: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (rest 2-3 minutes)
C) 3 sets of:
- 10 ring rows (elevate feet if possible)
- (rest 60 seconds)
- 10 weighted push ups
- (rest 90 seconds)
A) EMOM x 12 minutes
- odd minutes) 15 kb swings (70, 53)
- even minutes) 15 chest to bar pull ups
** Level I: RX
** Level II: 10 kb swings, 10 chest to bar pull ups
** Level III: 15 kb swings (53,35), 15 kipping pull ups