Complete in Order:
A) 3 sets of:
- 30 calorie bike
- 20 box jumps (24,20) (step down from the box)
- 10 yard (30ft) handstand walk
- (rest 90 seconds)
B) 10-15 minutes of mobility
A) For time:
- 50 GHD sit ups, 40 calorie row, 30 overhead squats (95, 65)
- GHD reps should be done without a break (if you have to break, end set early)
- lower overhead squat weight to 75,55 or 65,45
(rest 5 minutes)
B) For time:
- 50 wall balls (30, 20), 40 pull ups, 30 calorie Assault bike
- wall balls should be done in 3 sets AT MOST (lower reps or weight otherwise)
- pull ups should be done in 2 sets AT MOST (lower reps or add band if needed)
(rest 5 minutes)
C) For time:
- 50 kb swings (53, 35), 400m run, 30 front squats (95, 65)