Complete in Order
- 3 sets of:
- 10 DB press @ 2121
- 50 single unders
- 2 minute easy bike
- 3 sets of:
- 6 single-arm half-kneeling press/arm
- 20 straight-arm banded pressdowns
- Bench: 5, 5, 5, 5 (rest 2 minutes)
- Push Press: 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2 (rest 2-3 minutes)
- 3 sets of:
- 20-second chin over pull up bar hold
- (rest 40 seconds)
- 10 strict ring dips
- (rest 60 seconds)
- EMOM x 12 minutes:
- odd minutes) 40-60 double unders (set should take no more than 35 seconds)
- even minutes) 12-15 chest to bar pull ups (should be an unbroken set)