Well another day for the record books. No pun intended. Team Outlaw comes in second in the Texas State Championships. Not without drama though.
Lots of big victories and lots of PR’s. Incredibly well-run meet by Bobby Sirkis considering all the lifters. It’s incredible that 170 lifters passed through that platform this weekend and the biggest state meet in Texas history is over and done with. State records and even National records were set and our team walked away with more golds than I care to count tonight. We had some failures as expected but those failures were certainly overshadowed by the extreme success this weekend was. I want to give a shout out to Bobby Sirkis, Dutch Lowy, CJ Delbalso, and Mel Knourek for helping put on what is a meet that will go down as epic. I leave you all with the promise of a compilation video tomorrow, posted results of medals and records, and a picture that I think speaks for itself.
Yes Josh Mahon is fine.nNo he did not complete the snatch warmups.nYes he is still in fact an indestructible man.nNo he did not break his L2 though he was close.nYes he will likely have to take more than a week off.nNo I do not think he will take the prescribed 6 weeks off.nYes he would love for you all to bring him food in lieu of flowers.