One of the more important things weightlifters have to be prepared for is the unexpected. This year’s American Open marks the first time in my competition career that I will get to compete at home and stay in my own bed the night before competition. This makes a lot of the preparatory work much easier but there is a list of materials and items that are a necessity regardless of location. For those of you competing this weekend that may be reading this. Here are some of the things that I always make sure to buy 1-2 days ahead of time and make sure to have with me at the competition venue.
Some of these need no explanation. Others I will walk you through why it’s crucial for me.
– Pedialyte, Mineral Water mixed 50/50. Seems to be the best combination to allow me to rehydrate after weigh in
– Berries: Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, you get the picture. Seems to be the best fruit to spike my insulin just enough for competition.
– Deli Roast Beef: This is a weird one for me. I have experimented with all kinds of foods for after weigh-in and during competition and this seems to be the best. My first Junior Nationals, I went straight to Subway the second after weighing in and devoured a footlong meatball sub. My thinking was it will be good protein for fuel during the competition. I left the platform after my last clean and jerk and immediately puked. I have since moved to simple roast beef. I’m a little particular about what kind but roast beef tends to do the ticket.
– Both flexible and regular athletic tape. Self explanatory here.
– Nail clippers and trimming clippers. Calus rips, skin tears, etc
– My own block of chalk. I do this on the off chance that they run out of blocks of chalk. Weird thing but I like it better than the powder.
– Tiger Balm. Tight muscles or any unforeseen stiffness.
– Ibuprofen
– Gauze and alcohol wipes should the bar cause some blood on my shin.
– Lacrosse ball, stretching bands
– The obvious: shoes, singlet, belt, wrist wraps
– A dozen homemade chocolate chip cookies.
1 day out…