Complete in Order
12 minute time cap:
21 Cleans (full squat, 135/95)
10 MU
15 Cleans (full squat, 135/95)
7 MU
9 Cleans (full squat, 135/95)
5 MU
if you make the time cap rest the remaining time otherwise continue directly into the following:
3 Rounds:
15 Cal Assault Bike
50 DU
25ft HS Walk
E2MOM x 10 min:
– 5 Weighted Strict Chinups
– 5 Double KB Snatch from hang (use appropriate weight)
– 100ft Farmer Carry with same KB
A) Split Jerk up to 95% from the rack/blocks in 8 min starting with an empty bar
B) Work up to 90% of back squat max then complete 4 sets of 2 @ 90% every 2 minutes