Sweet video to display tonight. HUGE PR for Natalie McLain in the clean and jerk. This is 185 pounds. The first video is the full speed un-cut edition. The second video is my critique of her jerk. You will notice that Natalie struggles with keeping the bar overhead in her recovery. She creates this problem for herself because she steps her back foot too far behind her. This causes a pretty terrible landing position in the split because of her pelvic angle. One of the biggest tendencies of lifters in the jerk is to kick their back leg too far behind them which tilts their hips/pelvis forward. You see that in Natalie’s jerk here. Often times this is a result of a bad dip and drive. That is not the case for Natalie here. Instead her inability to step forward with her front foot the same distance as her back leg causes the struggle that this video shows.
However, it’s a made lift and from this angle I can’t tell if she bent her elbows so I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Great lift and great PR.
Natalie PR Clean and Jerk
Natalie Jerk Analysis