Complete in order:
– 1000m row @ EASY pace
– 1 mile run @ MODERATE pace
– 100 calories on Assault Bike @ HARD pace
– 1 mile run @ MODERATE pace
– 1000m row @ EASY pace
Again, if you sign up on wodfollow, you will get specific pacing instructions based on your numbers and not simply guestimates on how hard you should go. It’s only $10 a month, less than $1 per workout.
This is an intensity pyramid that puts our body to work in 3 different ways. Focus on hitting your projected numbers for the 1st Half of the workout, this should not be difficult. For the 2nd half, give everything you have in order to maintain those numbers.
There is no prescribed rest built into this workout. Yes, you will need to take some time getting on/off the rower, and yes getting in the pedals of the bike takes time. Don’t lolligag though.