A) P&G 400m Warm up:
– 25m monster walk each direction (1/4 squat slow slide sideways leading with knee) (50m total)
– 25m Shuffle each direction (50m total)
– 25m Karaoke each direction (50m total)
– 50m high skip
– 50m long skip (as far as possible each skip)
– 50m jog w/ perfect form
– 100m stride outs (increasing speed, using longest perfect stride you can manage. Finish @ dead sprint)
B) Hill Sprints 10x8sec; 2:00 rest
C) 800m cool down jog @ Gear 1. Gear 1 is the pace you can move for 3 hours (roughly 45 seconds to 1 minute slower than your 5k PR pace).
Find a hill where you can do a max effort sprint (up) for 8 seconds. Should be at least 50 meters long and steep enough to make the hill something you want to avoid going up, but not so steep you need to put your hands on your knees to hike up.
Pacing is Gear 7. Gear 7 is your max effort pace. This is a lactic stacking workout.