A) Snatch Pull 3 Stop + Snatch 1+1: In 5 sets max the complex then complete 3 sets of same complex at 85% of max weight from complex
B) Snatch RDL: 100/4*4 sets, no straps, rest minimally
C) FS: 60/2, 70/2, 80/2, 85/2, 90/1, 94/1, 98/1, 101/1 (max the FS)
A) As warmup for cond:
– 5 min EMOM of…
3 Scapula Pullups
2 Strict Pullups
3 Perfect Hollow Arch kips
2 Perfect Kipping PU (no butterfly, focus on kip)
B) After Conditioning
10 min. EMOM
– 5 V-ups + 3 Candlestick Rolls
5 Rounds:
7 Hang Power Clean (135/95)
14 Pullups
400m run
14 Pullups
7 HAng Power Clean
Rest 1:1