Complete in Order
A) 4 supersets – rest 90 sec. b/n each movement
– 10 barbell bent rows
**focus on balance and pulling with midback
– 3 reps 1 and 1/4 KB goblet squats… focus on vertical torso in every single rep
B) 4 sets (alt. chinup/pullup grip each set)
-6 strict chin/pull ups
-20 sec. HS hold on wall w/ hands on upside down ab mat
A) Every 20 sec. For as long as possible going UB
-10 ft. HS walk (stop at 10 min)
EMOM – 12 min. cap
5 target burpees
1 full clean @ 65% 1rm
*If you get caught by clock rest 2 min and repeat still only working to 20 total minutes with rest
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