EMOM x 10 min:
Odd min: Alt Single Arm KB Push Press x 7 each arm AHAP
Even min: 10 Strict Chinups
C) BS: 60/3, 70/3, 80/3, 85/2, 90/2, 94/1, 98/1, 101/1 (max the BS)
8 min. EMOM – on Rings
– 2 Hollow/arch kips + 2 kip to ribcage pull + 2-4 muscleup as able
After Conditioning if time allows
– 100 Hollow rocks for time
EMOM x 32 min:
0:00: 15 UB Wall Ball (20/14)
1:00: 12/10 Cal Row
2:00: 15 Burpee To Target
3:00: 6 Strict HSPU (if you reach failure kip the remaining reps, use Open standard from last year)