A) Clean Pull + Clean + FS + Jerk: 2+1+1+1: 5 sets to build to max for complex, -15% and complete 2 sets of the same complex
B) EMOM x 8 min: 3 Deadlift from 3in riser, use steel plates @ 70% + 6 Box Over Jumps (24/20), try to jump all the way over the box if possible
A) Death by strict Pullups
rest 5 min.
B) 4 easy – perfect sets (kip consistency!)
– 5 perfect Hollow/arch kips
– 5 perfect kipping PU
– 5 Butterfly CTB
C) After Cond. 60 GHD situps only lowering to parellel
EMOM x 20 min:
Odd min: 8 TNG Power Cleans (165/115) + 8 Box Jumps (24/20)
Even min: 8-10 Ring Dips, strict as possble