A) 3 Position Snatch Pull + Snatch from floor + 4 sec pause in the OHS (1+1+1): In 6 sets starting at 70% find a max for the complex, drop 15% and complete 2 sets there
B) EMOM x 4 sets: 5 snatch pull to explode @ 100%, TNG no straps
C) FS: 60/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80/3, 83/3*3 sets
A) 2 easy supersets
A1) 6 perfect Hollow/arch kips on rings w/ a pull to the ribcage
A2) 4 perfect kipping ring dips (lower to deepest dip position)
B) 12 min. EMOM of the following cycle on rings
– 1 Perfect kip
– 1 kip + pull rings to rib cage
– 1 MU w/ 2 sec hold in bottom of dip (don't finish dip)
– 1 MU w/ 2 sec hold at top of dip
For Time:
1600m run
16 GTO (135/95)
1200m run
12 GTO (165/115)
800m run
8 GTO (185/125)