A) Every 2 minutes x 12 minutes complete the following complex at a weight that is difficult fro the strict press:
3 Strict Press + 5 Push Press + 7 Power Jerk
C) BS: 60/2, 70/2, 80/2, 85/2, 88/2, 92/2, 95/1*3 sets
A) 4 min. Tabata Freestanding tripod hold
B) 2 min. Max strict HSPU
rest 8 min.
2 min. Max Kipping HSPU
C) After Cond. Accumulate 20 Strict GHD situps + 20 Strict GHD back extensions
For Time:
OHS (95/65)
C2B Pullups
*every 90 sec complete 5 burpees