We arrived in Green Bay and quickly discovered that we knew very little about the city. I had some different expectations of Green Bay, Wisconsin and was proved severely wrong.
First of all I guess I expected that on a game day weekend the city would be slammed with people and seem to be a normal metropolis. It’s not. Evidently, Green Bay as a city, without the Packers, would not have the ability to exist. This is a small town that loves and supports their Packers. I guess I expected the city of the Green Bay Packers to be a huge metropolis year-round.
Secondly, it’s September and its cold. I guess I assumed it’s gonna be warm everywhere in September. I’m not real aware I guess. It’s cold.
Lastly, the gym is an ode to the OG Crossfit gyms. Huge bay doors, open air (probably not in January), and it’s located in an industrial park. This is how Crossfit got its start.
Yesterday I worked with a group of 3 guys for a bit trying to hit a PR snatch. 3 guys, 5 PR’s and after you watch this you’ll see they have a lot more in the tank.
Snatch PR at CF Green Bay
Also John and Winchester decided to try to win the man vs food challenge at Curly’s at Lambeau Field. They both lost.
Winchester decided he was too healthy for a burger.