Well the tour has begun. We are at Crossfit Eminence in Denver Colorado. Compared to the 107 degree humid heat of Dallas, the 75 degree dry, clean temperature of Denver is a huge relief.
We started yesterday with a crazy new group dynamic. At the beginning of camp we asked how many Regional athletes were in attendance. No hands went up. We asked how many coaches were in the room. Every hand went up except for one. We have a different dynamic in this camp than we ever have before.
The previous camps were all athletes (by and large). This camp, being all coaches, has presented a different type of response and a different outlook from the attendees. Much more in depth questions and as a staff we have been able to really go in depth in our lectures and teaching. I don’t have a clue as to whether this is the new trend for this tour but so far the receptiveness, desire for knowledge, and analytical mindset these coaches have has been one of the coolest camps yet.
Today we are covering the full clean and jerk and the powerlifting movements. Prepare for a little banter around Functional Squatting vs Waste of Time Squatting… I mean High Bar vs Low Bar.
Here’s some videos of some of the coaches doing some work at lunch and after camp.
It felt good to put a little weight on my back again:
EA Drop Down Snatch Sets
Matt Hathcock 275# Snatch attempt
155 BS for 5 reps