This weekend marks one of the firs times that I got the chance to coach a large group of athletes. I could not have walked away from the meet more proud of the Deep Barbell, Spoon Barbell, and Outlaw Barbell folks who competed this weekend. For all of you, it’s my joy and honor to coach you and call you an athlete of mine.
Thank you to Jared Flemming, Colm O’Reily, Rudy Nielsen, and so many others of you who helped me get people to the platform and make lifts this weekend. We could not have been successful this weekend without you. Below are some of my favorite lifts form the weekend including my favorite from all weekend; Jason’s miraculous save at 112kg with a 8min warmup session.
Ingrid Kantola Opening Snatch
Ingrid Kantola Opening CJ
Connor Felstead 102kg Snatch
Connor Felstead 136 CJ
Jason Riggins Miraculous 112kg Snatch